Saturday, September 19, 2009

Glencairn Gardens

Glencairn Gardens is one of the more beautiful parks in Rock Hill, SC. In the spring, the azaleas, dogwoods, flowering crab trees, and a myriad of other flowers and trees explode with dazzling colors that delight the eye.

My grandma always loved it there. Before she passed away more than four years ago, the family asked her what they should do with her ashes. She said she wanted them to end up someplace beautiful. So today, finally, my uncles, Don (who is visiting from MI) and Phil, and my mom took her ashes and spread them there as a tribute to her and the life that she lived. Because she had a relationship with Christ, it meant no more or less than that. I thank God that she is with him now ... in a much more beautiful place than we can even imagine!

While we were there, I played around with aperture and shutter speed settings on my camera. Here are a few that I like ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Little of This and a Little of That

First things first ... food. This one is especially for my sister-in-law Chalica, the food blogger extraordinaire. ;D Check out her food website Vegetarian in Korea to see her latest stuff, but beware ... it will make your mouth water!

This is a marvelous meal that my friend Judi Fleming prepared the last time my friend, her daughter, Jennie was here in Rock Hill. It was even tastier than it looks if you can believe it!

My mom and I went for a walk together on Friday evening in a neighborhood close to my parents' house. I thought it was a perfect reason to sling the camera over my shoulder in case I saw anything interesting. I have a few more hummingbird photos to go with the flora, but I think they need a bit of "photoshopping" before they go public. I have included one here for your amusement, but I hope to make some light adjustments and post the others later.

And last but not least, here is our "sound stage" at theGathering FM. It's not very well lit as we typically use candles and a bit of back lighting on Sundays, but I thought it looked kind of cool when I changed the look on the camera to sepia. What do you think?